Laura Vasilion
The Oracle

What I do.
I provide remote spiritual counseling and wellness services, including providing spiritual coaching and guidance, working with you to balance your energy, and providing guidance on mind-body and energetic healing practices.  I have been communicating with the Universe since childhood and have dedicated my life to this work.

Where I studied.
I studied energy awareness with Leanne Holitza at The Healing Studio in Broomfield, CO and through that program obtained my energy working certificate. I received Holy Fire III Reiki placements and ignitions from Mountain River Therapeutics and I am currently a Reiki Master practitioner using Usui/Holy Fire III and Karuna Reiki. I have also received Holy Fire III Master placements through the Reiki training course through Duke Health & Well-Being. In addition, I have received a certificate in sound therapy from Sound Healing Academy. I continue to grow and refine my skills by taking advanced education classes and am an ordained minister.

I am a member of the Energy Medicine Professional Association (“EMPA”) and follow the EMPA code of ethics. I am covered by professional liability insurance for any injury caused by my acts or omissions in providing Services under this Agreement.

I do not engage in fortune-telling or other attempts to foresee the future. If you live in a jurisdiction with laws that classify spiritual and energy work as fortune-telling and/or require providers of such services to disclose to you that the services should be for entertainment purposes only, then you are hereby notified that my Services are provided as entertainment purposes only.

Laura Vasilion
The human

When not communing with the Universe, I spend my time playing with my dogs, binge watching tv shows with my wife, learning the harp, playing Final Fantasy XIV, and living my best hobbit life.

When time and health permits, I love to travel! The world is full of beauty and I want to see as much of it as I can. I enjoy nothing more than spending a day wandering around a new city, eating street food and admiring the architecture. Two of my favorite cities in Europe are Amsterdam and Budapest!

I grew up in Illinois, spent twelve years living in Colorado, and currently reside in the Washington, DC area with my wife and our two dogs. I’m in my early forties, pisces sun, virgo moon and rising.